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PBE Annual Report 2023; use of woody biomass for energy generation


Here is the 12th edition of the annual report on woody biomass deployment in the Netherlands. It is of great importance that we are able to make transparent and substantiated figures available to government, industry and, ultimately, also Dutch citizens so that they can monitor developments in this field. Cooperation between government and industry is very important for this, as underlined by the close participation in this report.

Like last year, this report also shows that woody biomass is still mainly used for energy production. However in the process, biomass plants are increasingly combined with other energy systems such as batteries and e-boilers and advanced ICT systems in order to be able to optimally meet the increasing demand for flexible supply of electricity and heat in addition to an increasing share of variable electricity from solar and wind among other things.

Jos Keurentjes, chairman Platform Bio-Economie: “In the coming years, biomass deployment will need to broaden significantly towards biofuels, green gas and chemicals and related sectors. With Platform Bio-Economy (PBE), we will respond to this broadening in the market and actively seek cooperation with these sectors. In order to provide a complete picture of the development of biomass deployment in the Netherlands in the coming years too, it is desirable to broaden the scope of this report as well. We will explore how to put this into practice in the future through consultation with the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy (EZK), the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management (I&W) and market players.”

Finally, Platform Bio-Economie would like to thank EZK, I&W, RVO, Biomass Research and all participating companies for their contribution to the production of this report. Its power and relevance lie in its collectivity and transparency!

On Wednesday, June 19, Hans Langeveld will present the report during the PBE Business Meeting, where more information will be provided on the content and results of this report. Would you like to be present? Then register via this link.


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